Make sure Viber is updated to the latest version from the Google Play Store.Make sure your phone is running on the latest software version.One issue that you might encounter when using Viber on your Android phone is when it doesn’t seem to work when connected to a Wi-Fi network however the problem does not occur when connected to a mobile data network. Not getting calls or messages on Viber when connected to Wi-Fi This means that only you and the recipient will be able to read any text messages sent. It is a secure communication tool that emphasizes privacy by making sure that end to end encryption is being enforced on messages. Viber is a free to use messaging solution that’s owned by Japanese company Rakuten and is available for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and MacOS platforms.

This is usually due to a Wi-Fi sleep policy setting on the app that needs to be changed. You will notice that you won’t be getting any notifications on the app. The “Viber not working on Wi-Fi” problem usually occurs when the screen is locked or when the phone sleeps.